Explanation of Solar Eclipse Data Tables

by Fred Espenak

The following tables contain brief explanations for the various parameters used in the prediction of solar eclipses.

Eclipse Characteristics
Parameter Description
Eclipse Magnitude the fraction of the Sun’s diameter occulted by the Moon at the instant and geographic location of Greatest Eclipse; the Eclipse Magnitude is less that 1.0 for partial and annular eclipses; the Eclipse Magnitude is equal to or greater than 1.0 for total eclipses
Eclipse Obscuration the fraction of the Sun’s area occulted by the Moon at the instant and geographic location of Greatest Eclipse; the Eclipse Obscuration is less that 1.0 for partial and annular eclipses; the Eclipse Magnitude is equal to or greater than 1.0 for total eclipses
Gammathe distance (in units of equatorial Earth radii) of the Moon’s shadow axis from the center of Earth at the instant of Greatest Eclipse; since this is the instant when the Moon passes closest to the center of Earth, Gamma is, by definition, the minimum distance of the lunar shadow axis from center of Earth

Conjunction Times
Parameter Description
Greatest Eclipsethe instant when the axis of the Moon’s shadow passes closest to the center of Earth
(by convention the date of an eclipse is fixed to this instant)
Ecliptic Conjunctionthe instant when the Sun and Moon have the same ecliptic longitude; this defines the instant of the New Moon phase
Equatorial Conjunctionthe instant when the Sun and Moon have the same celestial longitude in the equatorial coordinate system; this is the instant when the Sun and Moon have the same Right Ascension

Geocentric Coordinates of Sun and Moon
Parameter Description
Right Ascensionthe longitudinal position (in the equatorial coordinate system) of the Sun and the Moon at the instant of greatest eclipse
Declinationthe latitudinal position (in the equatorial coordinate system) of the Sun and the Moon at the instant of greatest eclipse
Semi-Diameterthe apparent angular radius of the disk of the Sun or Moon at the instant of greatest eclipse
Eq. Hor. ParallaxEquatorial Horizontal Parallax, the angle subtended by the radius of the Earth at the distance of the Sun or Moon at the instant of greatest eclipse

Geocentric Libration of Moon
Parameter Description
lthe Moon’s geocentric libration in longitude at greatest eclipse
bthe Moon’s geocentric libration in latitude at greatest eclipse
cthe Moon’s geocentric libration in position angle of lunar rotation axis with respect to celestial north

Prediction Paramaters
Parameter Description
Ephemeridesidentifies the ephemerides used to calculate the postions of the Moon and Sun
ΔTthe value of ΔT used in the eclipse predictions
k (penumbra)the mean radius of the Moon measured in equatorial Earth radii and used in calculating the size of the penumbral shadow
k (umbra)the mean radius of the Moon measured in equatorial Earth radii and used in calculating the size of the umbral shadow
Saros Seriesthe Saros series number followed by the sequence number and total number of eclipses in the series