Errata Page

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000

NASA Technical Publication TP-2009-214174
by Fred Espenak and Jean Meeus

This page lists all known errors and misprints in the NASA Technical Publication "Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000" (NASA/TP-2008-214170). The errata refer to the hard copy only. All corrections are already included in the pdf form of the publication.


  1. Pages A-56 to A-150:
    The tabulated values of ΔT and Longitude are incorrect. Corrected values can be found in the pdf version of "Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000" (NASA/TP-2008-214170)
  2. Page 43, 3rd paragraph:
    replace: "Oscillating about this line is the true longitude of perigee."
    with: "Oscillating about this line is the difference between the true longitudes of Sun and perigee."
  3. Page 52, 2nd paragraph:
    replace: "This odd behavior is due to the higher eccentricity of the Moon's orbit and fortuitous timing."
    with: "This odd behavior is due to the higher orbital eccentricity of Earth in the past and fortuitous timing."

Please send any other comments, corrections and/or errata to Fred Espenak

Permission is freely granted to reproduce any portion of this NASA publication. All uses and/or publication of this material should be accompanied by an appropriate acknowledgment of the source (e.g.- Eclipse maps and data courtesy of Fred Espenak and Jean Meeus, "Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000" (NASA/TP-2008-214170) ).

Comments, suggestions and corrections are solicited to improve the content and layout in subsequent editions of this publication series.

    Fred Espenak                              
    NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center        
    Planteary Systems Laboratory, Code 693     
    Greenbelt, MD 20771                             
    Email: [email protected]              

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