The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about eclipses. If you have a good question to add to this list, please submit it to me at a EclipseWise.
FAQ: Solar Eclipses
- What is difference between a solar eclipse and an eclipse of the Sun?
Answer: Nothing. These two terms mean exactly the same thing. You'll find them used interchangeably here as well as in books, magazines and newspapers. - What is a solar eclipse? How do they occur? What is the difference between a total, partial and annular solar eclipse?
Answer: These topics are all covered at Mr Eclipse's Solar Eclipses for Beginners. - What precautions are needed to safely watch an eclipse of the Sun?
Answer: Complete details can be found at Observe Solar Eclipses Safely. You can find information on safe solar filters at: Filters for Viewing and Photographing Solar Eclipses. - What is it like to see a total eclipse of the Sun?
Answer: There's a good description of seeing a total solar eclipse in The Experience of Totality. - How can I photograph an eclipse of the Sun?
Answer: With modern digital cameras, it is quite easy to take photos of a solar eclipse. Two sources of information on photographing solar eclipses are How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse ( and Nikon's Tips for Photographing Solar Eclipses. You'll also need a solar filter on the lens of your camera: Filters for Viewing and Photographing Solar Eclipses. - Can I shoot video a solar eclipse with my camcorder?
Answer: Yes you can. has complet details at How to Capture a Solar Eclipse on Video. Just remember that you'll need a safe solar filter on the lens of your camcorder: Filters for Viewing and Photographing Solar Eclipses.
FAQ: Lunar Eclipses
- What is difference between a lunar eclipse and an eclipse of the Moon?
Answer: Nothing. These two terms mean exactly the same thing. You'll find them used interchangeably here as well as in books, magazines and newspapers. - What is a lunar eclipse? How do they occur? What is the difference between a total, partial and penumbral lunar eclipse?
Answer: These topics are all covered at Mr Eclipse's Lunar Eclipses for Beginners. - What precautions are needed to safely watch an eclipse of the Moon?
Answer: None! It is completely safe to watch a lunar eclipse with the naked eye, although binoculars will give a better view. - How can you photograph an eclipse of the Moon?
Answer: With modern digital cameras, it is quite easy to take photos of a lunar eclipse. Two sources of information on photographing lunar eclipses are How to Photograph a Lunar Eclipse ( and Nikon's Tips for Photographing Lunar Eclipses.
Do you have an eclipse question that isn't on this list? Please submit it to me at a EclipseWise.